More wonderful past participants say this about Create Your Program…

Create Your Program and Annie's approach is different from anything I've experienced before in that instead of learning best practices for an industry in general, you learn best practices for YOURSELF in your business. I used to think I had to create a perfect program and strive for that, and now I am thinking about how MY business can thrive with the time, knowledge and resources I already have.

-Maureen Cotton

Create Your Program is expanding my mindset around the deep work that I do. It even has me beginning to engage with my work as art, which is so invigorating and exciting. I'm so grateful.

-Tira Burford

I wasn’t sure how to translate my work as an anti-racism coach into something I could scale for a larger audience. During the program, Annie was able to guide me through this process with practical solutions to difficult business challenges. She helped me believe that anything is possible when it comes to business as long as you’re willing to do the work to get it done. By the end of the course, I was able to scale my anti-racism coaching work by creating an online program. I feel more fulfilled in my career than I have ever felt in my life!

-April Harter

Before I signed up, I didn't know where to start, and I was overwhelmed with each possible step. I thought I needed to perfect the big picture in order to be ready to launch. Now I have a plan in motion. Sometimes I still feel like I'm doing it wrong, but I'm DOING it, and that's a huge success for me. I loved the modeling of seeing Annie's program in action, from tools to techniques for creating an intimate virtual coaching experience.

-Rachel Fusco

I was struggling with not knowing the steps to create my signature program. This program held me accountable for doing the work and gave me the confidence I needed. I think I would have dragged this project out longer without this support. I loved having a place to get feedback from my cohort and Annie and get my individual questions answered. I felt understood in both my drive to create something new and in the fear and self-doubt that came up in the process.

-Debbie Schwartz

Before I started Create Your Program, I didn't quite know where to start. Now I'm launching my first program! I am doing it. It's no longer just an idea in my head. I loved being able to ask anything and get a kind and thorough answer from Annie. Her calm and grounded presence gave me a great model for how I want to be within my own business.

-Carissa Karner